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Marine Village restyling project


Marine Village - 2018 Restyling project

Designer Mark Beccaloni in 2018 kickstarted a major Architectural restoration project following the ideas and the needs of the Managers Gabriele Ziccarelli and Debora Berini. Marine Village is a renowned Sailing club with its own restaurant and beach bar located near Rome, between Ostia and Torvaianica. Gabriele thanks to his professional background managing architectural restyling projects in the catering field, believed that both the restaurant and the beach bar required a new attire, in order to accomodate better its clients and serve high quality foods and beverages in a more modern and appropriate wellness-oriented context. 

The reverse engineering of the structure and its amenities was a challenging and necessary aspect, offering a accurate and realistic representation of the 2018-2019 restyling & restoration project, ultimately gaining construction approval by the kind owners of the structure.

A special thanks must be given to the project manager and the owners: Gabriele Ziccarelli, Guido Sirolli and Ilario Gabriele. Their vision throughout the years brought value to the whole community and territory surrounding the Ostia & Torvaianica coast, where the Marine Village sailing club is located.

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Concept sketch by Arch. Rosaria Virno

metodologia progettuale:

rilievo  >  interior design Ristorante  >  restyling & ampliamento Paradiso Beach bar  >  intervento architettonico di massima 

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